The premise to our work is simple:
Who we are being and becoming influences and shapes our behaviors.
The Audrey Company is a space where you can safely explore and examine your mindsets and motivations around all areas of finance. It’s a place where you can reframe, reform or replace these mindsets and motivations so you can make and spend money, as well as acquire and manage all assets in a values-aligned way.
It’s a place where you can be honest, open and transparent about who you are being and becoming so you can transform your behaviors around money, finance and wealth in a way that serves you for every season and speed bump life brings your way.
The Audrey Company is a community of women that practice their values-aligned, priority-driven behaviors from a place of freedom and wholeness in their soul.
This is a place where we sit quietly, with an open heart in support of each others’ triumphs and trials. All so we know that we are not alone in this lifeling journey to financial mastery.
The name Audrey means “Noble Strength” and “honorable power”.
We believe all women embody these traits.
We believe that all women can become masterful stewards of affluence and influence.
We believe all women can change their lives, households, families, communities and nations for the good -
We work toward the highest good for everyone we encounter.
We give of our best in time, talent and treasure to meet needs and solve problems.
We enjoy our work. We celebrate along the journey, not just at the end.
We treat everyone with dignity.
We do our work with high standards.
We are:
committed to championing women’s economic development. We train, equip and support you to navigate ecosystems that may hinder or stop your growth.
collaborators for the greater good without losing our diversity. We strive for unity, not uniformity.
purveyors of hope. We want you to fall in love with your finances without being consumed by them.
launchpads. We help you get to your next level of financial stability and sustainability with care and without worry.
“Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together.”
— Vincent Van Gogh